Caffeine-Free Coding
If you've ever suffered caffeine or energy drink withdrawal, then you need these 5 healthy alternatives in your life.
I used to think code and coffee were an inseparable duo. Late nights, looming deadlines and a hot mug was my trusty companion. Even so, most of the people I come across at my tech hub are either on a coffee high or clutching a long can of pure energy.
But then, we all complain about the crashes, the tiredness it leaves behind, and the fluid nature in our bones when the energy runs out. This makes us rush out for some more.
If you've ever suffered these jitters and the nagging feeling that your productivity is tied to some additive element, then you know it's time for a change.
Here are 5 sweet and healthy alternatives to caffeine to keep you focused and ensure your productivity -without any lows.
Date Smoothie
Dates provide natural sweetness, fiber, potassium, and carotenoids to help with eye health. They also contain essential vitamins that improve memory, brain function and reduce anxiety-related problems.
You should really try a date smoothie.
Kombucha: Mr Gut-Friendly
Kombucha is fermented tea. It's bubbly, sweet and rich in probiotics, just like your Greek yogurt is.
You can buy it and you can also make it at home.
Just know this, it can take anywhere from one to two weeks to enjoy homemade kombucha (it has to ferment, remember?). But after that, it's healthy goodness all the time.
Green Tea
I'm not sure why Gemini called this "The Zen Master" but green tea offers goodness that is not as high in caffeine.
The amazing kicker is you can choose your favourite brand or any tea leaf. And you can make warm tea or iced tea.
It's entirely up to you and your sophisticated taste buds.
Beetroot Smoothie
This one is my absolute favourite. I love the color, the taste and while I sip it slowly, it helps me focus for at least 4 hours.
My go-to recipe is Beetroot + Banana + Coconut milk + Strawberries. Sometimes I add a little ginger, to up the anti-inflammatory properties.
Lemon Water
I dare say. I saved the best for last.
As a developer, you should always hydrate.
But this right here, is a wake-up call.
With lemon's high vitamin-C content, it supports your overall wellbeing, helps in your digestion, and promotes skin health.
There's a reason you should drink this in the morning. It will jumpstart your system. Literally.
Should you just quit Caffeine?
Nah, don't quit outright. Some call it cold turkey. It could leave you with headaches because your body might not know how to work without it.
Instead, what you can do is swap things out. Instead of a second cup of coffee, try a smoothie.
Instead of your favourite energy drink, try some Kombucha.
It's a small change but it'll make a difference in your physical and mental